The project “REMSKA – REMote working SKills for All” is co-funded by the European Union Erasmus+ programme.
REMSKA aims to extend the supply of high-quality learning opportunities that support and reinforce key competences for adults employed or looking for employment in an emerging remote working era.
The prospect of remote work transition creates uncerainty and distress to workers all over the world, as normal work patterns, modes of communication, and team dynamics will be disrupted; it is only a small share of the workforce that is already familiar with this mode of work. For most, there is an emerging substantial need to improve relevant soft and hard skills and competencies, ranging from digital, social & communication skills to setting up and running a home office and work routines, and maintaining a work-life balance and healthy lifestyle. |
The project aims to extend the supply of high-quality learning opportunities that support and reinforce key competencies for adults employed or looking for employment in an emerging remote working era. |
The REMSKA partnership comprises six organisations from six European countries (Germany, Greece, Slovenia, Italy, Bulgaria and Belgium) with complementary skills from the worlds of higher (HAW) and adult education (AZM, IAL), research (PROMEA) and consulting (INNOVELA). Leaded by the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW), the partnership involves also two key actors in the field of adult education, namely the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) from Germany and the training centre Zveza Ljudskih Univerz Slovenije (ZLUS) from Slovenia, as associated partners. |
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